
“Ooo” and “ahh” them

(UX + Copywriting)

“Ooo” and “ahh” them

(UX + Copywriting)

Writing that adds value, helps users, and brings delight will attract and retain your customers. And if it resonates emotionally it can drive decisions. I do all of the above with content that includes (but is not limited to):

webcopy, microcopy & in-app text, user flows & dialogs, taglines, articles, marketing emails, newsletters, social content, case studies.

Break Through


Break Through


An editor can take good ideas and turn them into compelling, agenda-setting, mind-shifting content that breaks through all you've done before. Whether it's polishing your writing with a more engaging tone, finding the most compelling angle for your messaging, or bulletproofing your copy of any typos, my editing can take your content to the next level.

Build your Tribe


Build your Tribe


What will people say about you? Will they be eager to be a part of what you do for decades to come, or will they only shop your holiday sales? The power of your brand, communicated through your content and infused in everything you do, determines the answers to these questions. We will get you to the right answers. (Hint: talking about your product or features just ain’t gonna cut it!)

Get Heard


Get Heard


Podcasts are a thing. There's over 1 billion podcast subscribers on iTunes alone; that's not including all the other platforms. With more people turning to audio each month, and the overwhelming saturation of traditional advertising, podcasts offer a powerful opportunity to stand out and build a lasting relationship with your audience.


Why Invest in Content?

percent increase in web traffic when companies blog
Percent of customers prefer to get to know a brand through articles than through ads.
Podcast subscribers listening on iTunes alone


Why I create.

I believe that words and ideas are powerful. They can change how we think and therefore behave, which affects the habits and policies and businesses we build—which in turn can change the world.

Words have started and ended wars, shifted paradigms, and changed countless lives. Imagine what language can do for product experiences and brands.

How I create.

Entrepreneurial mindset rooted in user-centric design, I create clear and compelling content to bridge the gap between product, people, and brand.

As a UX writer, I help solve problems and design optimal user experiences that delight and deliver.

As a copywriter, I help get you talked about and remembered—it’s the stuff that gets people to “ooooo” and think “oh shit!”

To do that, I uncover insights, truths, and stories. I explore different approaches. I collate lots of feedback. And then I iterate, iterate, and then iterate some more. My most recent work has been on the software and marketing teams at GoPro, and at TurboTax before that.

The spark behind the creation.

My ultimate passion, I must confess, is optimizing human performance. I’m excited to be a part of how wearables, diagnostics, and other biohacking technology evolve to help us live each day in an optimized state—cognitively, physically, and emotionally. Forget about treating illness and healing sports injuries; let’s prevent all this in the first place. Let’s finish the workday feeling energized rather than drained, so we can give our best selves not only to our coworkers but also to our loved ones at home. This is all possible with healthy lifestyle and informed choices driven by data. Seamless product experiences will remove the barriers to mass adoption of these life-altering technologies.

As I’ve ventured into this field, I’ve supported content for human performance brands such as sports science platform CoachMePlus, sports nutrition brand CarnoSyn, blood analytics tech InsideTracker, and BIOS—the NASA-developed circadian lighting technology that is going to set our circadian health straight.

Fun Facts.

I’m known for rocking funky beats on the dance floor (had a past life as a breakdancer) and rocking my workouts in the gym (or around town). I’ve moved across the country 3 times, most recently with 2 overstuffed suitcases and a guitar I inherited but knew not how to play. I can often be found researching my latest fascinations (lots of biohacking), hiking new terrain, crashing volleyball games, experimenting with MMA styles, creating adventure out of the seemingly ordinary, and finding grand truths in tiny moments.

A confession.

I’m not interested in just a job; I am on a mission. I’m fighting the common-held complacency with being “okay” or “good” by pushing for “fricking amazing!” Your brand, business, and daily moments should be nothing less than that.

In a nutshell.

(I can button up, too!)

I have over a decade of experience ranging from tech startups and nonprofits to Fortune companies. I can conceptualize, write, and edit anything from microcopy or short promotional / ad copy to multimedia websites and long-form editorials. Beyond that, I consider the unique context of each use case in order to optimize the product experience. Based on how people will use, interact with, and respond to your materials, I am laser focused on creating valuable and relevant content that will attract, engage, and retain your audience.


Let’s chat!

Serious Execution
Healthy Irreverence
Shaking up the status quo

"Writers do not merely reflect and interpret life; they inform and shape life."

E. B. White

Get riled up.

You’ve put a lot of time, cortisol, and thought into your business. You should be just as riled up about your content as you are about your product. When we work together, we’ll create content and messaging that you’re excited to show off to the world.

Thought leadership.

Most companies are creating a lot of noise. Not you, though. You want to create value and bring the world to a better way of doing things. It takes moving hearts and minds to get people on board. That’s why, together, we’ll create content that leads people forward…and leads them to you as a trusted resource.

We’re a team.

When you hire me you don’t get a contractor; you get a team member who is invested in the outcome of our projects.


Contact Info


San Diego – Boston